
Meditation, My Daily Practice

WellbeingRebecca O'Byrne

For far too long I really wanted to be someone who meditated yet I’d been equally + entirely annoyed by myself year after year for not simply going ahead + being what I set out to be. So at the beginning of 2022 I made a final commitment to bring meditation into my life as a daily practice. It was one of my focused goals for the year; something I knew would have an effect on my overall well-being, but I hadn’t really anticipated just how positively consequential it would end up being.

I’d been over-complicating it in my head, a precise example of why I needed to meditate. So in looking for something to keep me focused + on track while also tapping into a deeper part of myself, I came across O P E N. At first, I will admit, I was lured in by it’s design, it’s no secret that I am a sucker for a chic contemporary vibe + it was the beautiful aesthetics of the brand that caught my attention initially, however, in looking for a genuine practice, no body ca stay just for the aesthetics + 8 months in, I can definitely say it has most certainly been the content + the results of my practice with OPEN that has kept me coming back.

O P E N is an incredibly beneficial platform based on the ancient practices of Eastern wisdom married with present-day science + a rather healthy dose of “IRL” awareness that emerges from it’s foundational philosophy which embodies a genuine knowing that real life in 2022 isn’t sitting on the side of a mountain, able to meditate 24-7. Unless of course that’s what you choose + more respect to those who lead such a life. But in the majority, in which I find myself on this one, that’s simply not my choice. I need something that grants me some sort of peace in the pace of my own life.

So in wanting to find a solid practice, something that allowed me create space along with an empowered ability to actually create that space for myself eventually, I decided to give O P E N a proper try. I signed up immediately, paying upfront for my year membership so I would feel the pinch in knowing I’d really committed - an accountability of sorts. And from the get-go it’s become a pivotal part of my daily wellness rituals. And on the note of accountability, OPEN allows you see how many days you’ve been consistent with your practice which I find incredibly helpful, as in the beginning of starting anything, until you delve deeper into + begin to feel the benefits of something newly implimented, we often need something to keep us accountable. And that’s ok. Everyone finds their own way, their individual method by which they find their own peace within this world but in personal experience thus far, O P E N has (excuse the pun) opened a real deal portal into an inner peace I didn’t know I could tap into - or perhaps more aptly put, a solace that maybe exists in all of us, just one we have to consciously tap into. Along with that, it’s always great to be the person you set out to be. Showing up for you is always a good idea.

At the helm of OPEN is Manoj Dias who was born + raised in the Theravada Buddhist tradition + who founded a previous venture called A-SPACE which acted as a pioneering multidisciplinary meditation studio, a first in Dias’ homeland of Australia. With innovative foresight + the understanding of the need for such a platform in people’s lives, A-SPACE was acquired by O P E N, becoming what it is today, a cool but sincere way of creating a space in your life where you can delve deeper into your chosen healing journey, create calm or just about whatever you mind, body or soul needs.

Recently I became an ambassador with the brand, a partnership I am so thrilled to share the benefits of with you. As part of sharing it with you, I can gift you a fully complimentary 30-day trial on the platform that grants full access to it’s three components; meditation, movement + breath-work.

It’s simple, download the app + get your 30 day complimentary trial through // THIS LINK // or simply add the code HAUTE30 when you signup through any other link. This is simply to allow you try the platform, fully free for 30 days + you can cancel at any time before a paid membership begins. I hope you love it as much as I do. Let me know over on Instagram..


The Moments That Made Me; My Interview with Roxie Nafousi

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

Today something I’ve carried with me my whole life is no longer something I hold in silence or exclusive to the core group of people I love most in this world. I never thought I’d share this part of my life but screw it, it’s time to open up a conversation around childhood sexual abuse + stand up for our children. It’s no longer something to brush under the carpet or shy away from as both an important conversation to be mature enough to have + something that is absolutely a responsibility that lies in our hands, as adults, as something that needs way more attention at every level, here in Ireland + globally. The UN classifies anything around the safety of children under the umbrella of child protection. It’s THAT important.

I believed that sharing my eating disorder article - which you can read here - was the furthest I’d ever go in terms of opening up about my personal life but in sharing it I realised how many others there are who are troubled by different types of mental health issues + when the opportunity arose to speak with my dear friend, mentor Roxie Nafousi, I felt ready to share the entire story. No more shame-inflicting secrets or holding this as a cloud above my head + a darkness in my life. This isn’t ever going to define who I am or what my life is about. It is a part of my life story but it isn’t the entire thing. I’ve got so much ahead + I’m excited to finally be stepping into all of who I truly am, no longer confined to the parts my trauma once held me captive to.

This story isn’t mine alone. It’s the story of so many others who have been been affected by sexual abuse. I am not special + I am certainly not a victim. I have survived. Yes I carry scars + it’s taken SO much f*cking work, ugly unfolding + then a lot of painful healing to get to this moment, this first conversation, so publicly.

Thank you to my dear friend + mentor + someone I’ve been working with on a 1-1 basis on my own personal path this past year, Roxie Nafousi, for creating a beautiful, safe + caring space for me to chat this through with you + hopefully allow anyone out there who walks or has walked the same path I have had to. I can never thank you enough.

I want to say too that there are many beautiful people who have held my hand through my life. My beautiful parents + brother who saw so much of the pain + never left my side. Ever. I love you guys to death. My fiancé Paul who allowed me the space to fall apart + come back together as the strongest version of myself - always loving me no matter what. I love you PH. My best friends who stood so closely by my side + never gave in to my severely negative view of myself, always seeing + loving the parts of me that I couldn’t believe in. And to the therapists who DID help - the wonderful ones who made such a difference in my world. Wow there’s been a lot of bullshit/drama in the time I’ve spent being helped + so, acknowledging those who really did make a loving difference is so important to me. Thank you!

Below you can hear my interview with Roxie. And if you find yourself in a similar situation, no matter your age, please you are not alone. I am here + there is ALWAYS hope, always a light at the end of the tunnel.


5 Virtual Self-Development Events to Check Out This Spring

WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment


Roxie Nafousi has been such an incredible incredible part of my own wellness journey + her workshops are just EPIC. If you haven’t caught one of her 7 Steps to Manifesting virtual events you are in for a treat. I do them every time she has one + learn something new every time. Coming soon is her Happiness workshop with Mo Gawdat & Dr. Tara Swart, two experts in the field of self-development + finding the true joy in your life. I certainly can’t wait for this one..

March 20th 2021 // 1.30pm GMT

M I N D , B O D Y + S O U L

Having connected with Zoe, of Maia Well Co. a while back, I couldn’t help but truly come to adore her fabulous energy as a pilates teacher + quite simply too, as a human - the sweetest soul doesn’t come close to describing her. Zoe’s upcoming full-day virtual retreat is sure to be ultra fabulous; with a schedule packed full of workshops, classes + tutorials to nourish your body, mind + spirit, she + her expert team incorporate all the self-care you could imagine into one day.

March 7th // 9am - 7.15pm


Again another tried + tested (I only ever talk about people, places + things I genuinely use + love) part of my life is my skincare routine with Dawn Hill of Florasion here in Dublin. Dawn is an expert facialist + stockist of my now favourite skincare brand - the one I will never turn my back on, Biologique Recherche who hosts her IG Live series, ‘Facialist to Facialist’. Announced on her IG a week in advance of the Live, Dawn speaks to other experts in the skincare industry + is so pro in every respect. To find out more about Dawn + her philosophy on reaching a healthy balance in our skin, check out my interview with her here.

Catchup with Dawn on her fabulous IG account for her next LIVE @florasion_ie


A little plug here for my own workshop, but if you’re an independent brand or business looking to start or perhaps deepen your understanding of the game of Instagram for businesses, how to create beautiful content while also streamlining the time + effort you’re currently (most likely overspending) on around the digital market platform, this is for you.

March 22nd // 7.30pm GMT


I came across yoga teacher + general positivity Queen Sophie Dear on Instagram (where else would I find anyone fab fab haha) this past year + have attended two of her workshops since. Her depth of honestly about her own journey in recent times + her inspiring life in Bali are so engaging + I adore following her ever since. Sophie’s upcoming working, ‘Building Resilience’ is sure to be as super chic as it is super meaningful .

March 7th // 9am - 11am GMT